Tuesday 15 August 2017

A day from a dog’s life – Grity, Oana & Alex

     Trio of the year :) We’ve met Oana & Alex couple of years ago at a wedding. They’ve sent us an email before that to book their wedding but they were supposed to get married in our holiday time so we kindly tried to say ‘No’. ‘Till we’ve met them.
      You already know that we like crazy people, so we have done what it has to be done. We have delayed our holiday to book their wedding. And it was a smaaart move for real. Oana’s gentle kindness and Alex’s spontaneous humour made those summer days so sparkly. You can talk everything you want with Oana, you can ask her opinion for everything. She is good in finding solutions and solving problems. If you have a good joke, Alex is the right person to tell it first. He is like an applause meter :D You’ll know how good is your joke. We just forgot to tell you. They have a dog. Hmmm… more than a dog. He is Grity. Crazy as them. Grity was the center of all their wedding as you can see. And he is still there with them, taking care of a new member of their family. A lovely little girl named Eva Natalia. May the Force be with you people. Thank you guys for this wonderful experience. Hugs!

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