Thursday 27 February 2014

“Lucky I’m in love with my best friend…”



Lucky - Jason Mraz feat Colbie Caillat


  Oana & Florin. As a wedding photographer, sometimes you notice a nice girl and see her several times sitting behind her desk, helping you with paperwork. Finally, a single thought enters your head...I wish to be the photographer at her wedding. And then your wish comes true...She called us!!!  At first, I didn’t recognize her on the phone, but when we met in the wedding planner’s office we both started to smile. Everything was set without much talking.

   How can I explain this experience? It was something special, without effort, without stress. It was like watching a romantic family movie. The pictures are amazing and we could capture their personality because they had no reservations in front of the camera. They were naturals in front of the lens and sometimes we stopped taking pictures just to look at them. Yes, they fell in love during high school, but they were acting like they fell in love just yesterday. They are true high school sweethearts! It was the perfect wedding for a photographer and we ultimately even traveled with them on their honeymoon. But that’s another story…


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