Thursday 13 March 2014

So sweet…


  If I have to describe Andreea and Rareș in two words only, I’ll say “SO SWEET…”. She is a lawyer and he is a computer programmer. But before they told me this, our first impression meeting them was “the sweet little sixteen and the math guy…”. They are like two teenagers falling in love with each other, every minute. Being with them was like Zen therapy for us combined with a romantic movie. Hortensia, lavender, pineapple, candles, good music & crazy people was a great recipe for a perfect wedding. As a wedding photographer you always wish the best to the married couple, but sometimes, when you meet such nice couple you’ll want them to get married every 2 months. So sweet…


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waiting for the bride…

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After few weeks, we’ve met them in Sibiu, for a photo session…

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