Sunday 15 May 2011

Try to remember…



         We arrived in Cluj eagerly waiting this photo session. Everything was new for us, this was the first project organized in this Transylvanian city. A friend of ours put together some facts and ideas, so we were about to take some pictures to a talented actress. She liked our work and she wanted to be our next model. Not really had time to tell stories, we met and we went to work.


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     Liviu and then Romana, have demonstrated their talents by creating a new look for Tünde. Very important was the help offered by Zsofia, by choosing appropriate clothing. After preparations which have lasted for 3-4 hours, we headed to the location set.

             No words could help you look for photos that follow. But the music ...

Harry Belafonte - Try to remember


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Model: Skovrán Tünde
Fashion designer: Gabor Zsofia
Hair stylist: Liviu Gudor (L'insolence Studio)
Make-up artist: Romana Oanes
Photography and post-processing: David Postatny Photography
Producer: Alexandra Halma


Anonymous said...

Foarte faine, imi place foarte mult atmosfera old!! Superr!!

Ioana Filipaş said...

Îmi plac foarte mult ultimele voastre serii. Se vede că sunt gândite foarte bine și că s-a lucrat mult.
Iar rezultatul e mai mult decât uimitor.

Adi said...

Felicitari! Foarte frumoasa serie.