Sunday 2 October 2011

Adriatic Dream (still to come)



Tose Proeski & Gianna Nannini - Aria




Bieţîvan Ratat said...

Zero comentarii ”so far”? De ce oare? Sunt atîtea de spus. De bine, de foarte bine...
Cre că admiratorii au rămas muţi. De uimire. Fuarte bine! (= ”laser, frate”)

Balaphoto said...

Happy Holidays and a good New Year!!Fantastic shots!!

Salut, Francesc

marul said...

prea lucrate pana la stadiul de a nu mai transmite nimic

davidpostatny said...

@BR multzam fain
@Francesc Thank you very much, have a great year too
@marul cum era vorba cu vulpea si cu strugurii?

ruma said...


  Your splendid works enhance charm spectator still more.
  The warmth such as the fireplace will be offered to the audience in harsh this winter.

  I praise your wonderful work.

  The prayer for all peace.
Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❃

davidpostatny said...

Thank you Ruma for your kind words :)